You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about your business's checking account. You've got too much else going on. But since it's so important in managing your cash flow and your budget — it is, after all, how you pay the bills — it's worthy of your consideration. You need an account that works for you and is built to suit your needs.

That's why Avadian offers two types of business checking accounts:
- Business Choice Checking, which requires no minimum balance
- Business Choice Checking With Interest, which pays interest with a minimum average daily balance of $2,500
Both accounts include an Avadian Visa debit card, online and mobile banking, telephone banking, e-Statements, 250 free transactions a month, and $7,000 in free cash handling.
You can then customize your account with any two of these options:
- 25% discount on business checks once a year
- ATM refunds, up to $10 per month1
- An additional 250 free transactions per month, for a total of 500 (after that, there's a $0.29 fee per transaction)
- An additional $3,000 in free cash deposits per month, for a total of $10,000 (after that, there's a fee of $0.20 per $100 deposited)
- Free online Bill Pay
- Free incoming and outgoing domestic wire transfers (limit two per month)
- Bonus rate on Business Certificates of Deposit2
- No issuance fee on Cashier's Checks (limit three per month)
Avadian wants you to have the checking account that's right for your business. Choose the checking account that offers you choices.
1Transactions include inquiries, transfers, and withdrawals from savings or checking. Refer to Choice Checking Designation Form for ATM fee refund rules.
2Excludes CD specials. Cannot be combined with any other offers.